Savvas Learning. (2024, January 1). Advanced reading, writing, and knowledge development for elementary students - Dr. Alfred Tatum [Video]. YouTube.

Alfred W. Tatum

Presentation of Scholarly Contribution

Selected Scholarly Work

Tatum, A. W. (2024). Black youth, literacy, and land: A historical and textual reckoning. Black History Bulletin, 87(1), 30–34.

Tatum, A.W. (2024), Bringing Order to the Literacy Development of Black Boys in the Elementary Grades. Reading Teacher, 77: 553-561.

Tatum, A. (2008). Toward a more anatomically complete model of literacy instruction: A focus on African American male adolescents and texts. Harvard Educational Review, 78(1), 155–180.

Tatum, A. (2011). Fearless voices: Engaging a new generation of African American adolescent male writers [Kindle edition]. Scholastic Inc.

Tatum, A.W. (2005). Teaching Reading to Black Adolescent Males: Closing the Achievement Gap (1st ed.). Routledge.

A more complete listing of Dr. Tatum’s publications is provided at

Scholarly Recognition (Selected)

President (2023-2024), Literacy Research Association

NCTE James N. Britton Award (2006). Recognized for his publication, Teaching Reading to Black Adolescent Males: Closing the Achievement Gap.