Loyola Bioethics. (2013). Loyola SSOM’s 50th anniversary MLK speech, James Mendez, PhD [Video]. YouTube.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unxNjRCnrZg

James Mendez

Presentation of Scholarly Works

Selected Scholarly Works

Mendez, J. G. (2022). Review of Fighting for citizenship: Black Northerners and the debate over military service in the Civil War, by B. Taylor. Civil War History, 68(4), 429–431. https://dx.doi.org/10.1353/cwh.2022.0040

Mendez, J. G. (2019). A Great Sacrifice: Northern Black Soldiers, Their Families, and the Experience of Civil War (The North's Civil War). New York, NY: Fordham University Press. https://www.amazon.com/Great-Sacrifice-Northern-Soldiers-Experience-ebook/dp/B07BHQ6XKM

Mendez, J. G. (2011). A great sacrifice: Northern Black families and their Civil War experiences (Publication No. 3472400) [Doctoral dissertation, University of Illinois at Chicago]. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses. https://www.proquest.com/pqdtglobal/docview/888180902/D2C88DF373B148D4PQ/2?accounti


Scholarly Recognitions

Scholarly review of Dr. Mendez’s book project, Lande, J. (2020). Review of the book A Great Sacrifice: Northern Black Soldiers, Their Families, and the Experience of Civil War, by James G. Mendez. Civil War History 66(3), 323-325.https://muse.jhu.edu/pub/14/article/764393